Sunday, August 16, 2009


Well, we knew it would come and it did--and too fast! Annie started school last Monday, and it was her first time to be at school all day. She said she really liked it, but wasn't ready to go back! She comes by it honestly; I'd rather be home than anywhere else, too. I feel really good about her being there, though. She gets to hear Bible stories and sing church songs every day (which she loves). Doesn't she look like a big girl? Sarah, we are getting a lot of use out of the dress you gave her for her birthday--you can see she has it on in about 3 posts!
First day of school pose...
First day of school pose #2...

All buckled in for the 40 minute drive...(she hates this part, even if equipped with Hannah Montanna cd and dvd)

In her classroom working a puzzle...

In line for chapel...

1 comment:

  1. I'm so Glad she is wearing it out! It may not fit next summer! She is such a big Girl! I love her Pottery Barn Backpack!
